Working together physically is more rewarding than working from home as a group.
Me and my group members have noticed that it is far more superior to work together in school as a group than sitting at home using skype as our main communication. Our group tries to meet up as much as possible. In general we manage to meet up and work around 4 times a week. We book a room and then just sit down and work together and discuss, even on days we normally have no lectures.
We decide over slack or facebook what time to meet and when everyones lectures are finished in order to meet up and go through the game. For me as a project manager this is good mainly because I feel like I do not have that many tasks to do in such a small project. I feel like I get a better overview of whats going on and what everyone does since I can just walk around and look at my team members computers. We can also discuss changes to the game and theories in person while working on it. It has however not been all too easy. Meeting up is actually harder than it sounds, not only because it might be more comfortable to work from home, but because the way our schedule looks kind of crashes with the whole group work concept. I may end my lectures at the project managment course at 15.00 for example, meanwhile my programmers end theirs at 14 while my graphic designers start at 8 and only stay in school to around 12. This kind of complicates everything since we have to find a time that fits and works for everyone.
We have however managed, but it usually ends very late. It would be more comfortable to end around 16-17 instead of 19.00 for example. But you gotta do what you gotta do and since I don't feel like I personally have that many tasks to do I have nothing to complain about. I think more of how it must be for my members.
My programmers have also stated that they work alot better like this. They can QA eachother easier and they can work together with a better flow. When you're at home it's very easy to start doing other things, such as perhaps sitting more on facebook than actually working or even watching videos on youtube.